Saturday, September 7, 2019

Shadow Work: Healing The True Separation

There is a story in the Christian Faith that tells of the separation of good and evil. It goes back further than the Garden of Eden to the separation of  God and Lucifer. The sacrilegious divide of creation and ego. This is a core aspect that dwells with in each and everyone of us as we learn to manifest our life. There is energy constantly working with us that is beyond our power but there is an aspect with in all of us that is apart of a dark tribe as well. It is the ego that peeks to tell us what we deserve to claim, what we own, what is ours and should be ours and ours only. No sharing. It is us feeling and it's our world. Any obstruction from another is not conducive to maintaining this aspect of self.
    However, through spiritual learning we are guided to understand that we are all that is and that all is with in us. Would you ever with hold accolades from yourself? Not on purpose. There is a division in all of us, polar aspects that don't want to be divided but unfortunately are kind of designed to be. We have to learn to be okay with that.
Picture a caricature of God and Lucifer where they accept one another. It would appear like an image of the Dalai Lama and Charlie Sheen laughing. Neither means no harm. They just want to be themselves and yet hold a large disparity between their intentions for the world. That is were the disassociation from harmony in connection to the world really lies. There is so much information available about how we are all one, how we must learn to work together to progress the evolution of the planet. We can hear or read a statement like "we are all one" and feel that it makes sense but when we are triggered or rubbed the wrong way by a person outside of ourselves, we are not feeling like they are us or we are them, because we would never behave in that way. Or we would never say or do the behavior that they are expressing. Does that part really matter though?
The point I am trying to make is to imagine a family. What defines family to you? Whether it be biological, compiled of friends, or integrated families, the common goal of love being the base of the unity. They are all people outside of you and though they may behave in all the ways you appreciate and admire, there are those that behave in a way you never would, but you love them anyway so you accept them as they are. When it comes to a romantic relationship we can see a difference of opinion more personally because they are seen as a direct reflection of ourselves, but that is the person that needs the most freedom to be themselves more than anyone you are close with. They are separate from you but also apart of you. You would never want to have to defend an aspect of yourself that others don't understand. So you shouldn't be ashamed of anything the one you choose to be with decides to be.
When considering the "separation" most people see that in the Twin Flame community as  being apart from their divine counterpart. The advice that is provided to lead to union is always, work on yourself and work on your "shadow work", but what does that really mean? The most common complaint I hear from a person that feels divided from a divine connection is quite a bit of hurt and sometimes blame. So in that scenario the shadow work needed is to release the obligation you have placed on another outside of your perceived self, by acknowledging that your feelings are yours alone. See when I say that, it is not to say that you caused whatever hurt you on purpose, but there is reason you elicited this particular person's behavior with a need to heal whatever they triggered from you. Perhaps you were clutching too tightly to something you didn't feel quite ready for yet, and you energetically created a separation from someone that felt like too much at the time. 
Only you know your personal circumstances, and you have all the power inside you to figure out the core wounds and how to heal them. There are some guidelines that you can follow that can make this all a little easier.
First is that how you feel the world reacts to you, is the way you react to secret aspects of your self. There are some behaviors and mannerisms you are proud of that receives praise and appreciation from others on a regular basis. You are comfortable with these aspects of yourself, so you naturally attract positive reinforcement of this. On the other side of the coin, there are parts of you that you don't feel comfortable with and this will be shown to you by attracting others that might trigger anxiety or a level of discomfort that is easier to displace outside of yourself, than to feel and take ownership of. In this case the negative emotion that is being triggered can be acknowledged from finding a perspective of why another outside of you is behaving in a way that reacts negatively to you. Your goal is then to find a way to be okay with it no matter what. What I mean by that is, the behaviors that they are bringing to you, are something that you personally disapprove of in your self. With that energy force coming in to you from the form of a separation being, there is something with in you that needs to release what is creating the hostility. Sure, you could avoid that person for a time but more than likely what is needing to be overcame or healed will return to you again from another, until it is acknowledged. Now here is where the healing begins.
That which holds our attention has the power to grow. If you have a person around you that constantly rubs you the wrong way you may take a moment to look with in to the possible similarities you may have. Common ground is one of the best ways to make headway into coming together with another, no matter the type of relationship. What is it about the thing that this person is doing or saying that you see with in yourself? Do you remember a time when you behaved in a way that they are displaying? After acknowledging what about this behavior is testing you, you can choose to keep feeding it frustrated energy by feeling whatever doesn't feel good, or you can agree to disagree with their behavior and accept them for who they are and let them be. What I mean by that is not to create a type cast of this aspect of yourself ( or if you've tapped into them being an aspect of you outside of you, meant to come to you to trigger you) or this being outside of you, but to learn to just accept that they are unapologetic-ally going to show up at their level of growth, just as you deserve to be able to as well.
When feeling a separation or divide from anyone outside of you, it means there is a separation from your own feeling of self and the conditioned ego that is creating a cognitive dissonance that can be healed with attention, forgiveness and acceptance. Ultimately when it comes to a permanent separation from someone or something that  felt like a divine connection the most work that will make the most progress to heal, will be in then taking time to be with yourself and take the time to forgive yourself in the event that you had behaved towards another in the way that you were hurt. Then the need to accept that you may not energetically match that particular person any longer and let that be okay, if only for a short phase in your life.
When we pick up a handful of sand and let it lie flat on our palms, the wind may come and blow some of it away. That doesn't effect us because it just wasn't meant to stay there. If you start to tighten your grip to force the sand to stay, it will start to fall through your grasp. Once its dispersed from holding on too tightly, it can never again lie in your palm in the same way ever again. Consider this, when reaching down to grab another handful of sand, you look at the pile and see a sand dollar or pretty stone inside, that you would have never found if you had kept the other pile in your hand. So is the cycles of healing in our life. Whenever we go through the love, the pain, the healing and the growth, there is another little bit of you that is coming together gradually but perpetually, and most becomingly.
Lots of love and light for your all of your shadows <3
Klarabelle Spirit

Sunday, June 16, 2019

Lesson 3: Grief and Fear

    Grief can strike at anytime, and in a moment of weakness, one can become susceptible to fear. Both are vibrationally overwhelming as they can take all attention with little room for encouragement. When either presents itself it can become all consuming and can take over and then lead your decisions to default to split second moments. The ego will begin to run the show. What comes out then are the result of what you have fear over, and will present and take all you have created away. Once you pass shame and guilt (crucifixion) apathy (lack of emotion) and get to a point of grief and fear (emotion overload) it can feel like you have no control of what goes on around you. That is true and not true at the same time. You see there are things that are with in your control to maintain, however it only has to do with what you focus your attention on. This is an opportunity to find a way to apply all the energy coming at you in a way that is channeled into what is with in your control. Other people, places, and things are not with in your control. What is in your control, is how you bring yourself back into a mindful presence. The presentation of feeling an attachment is progress that there is something felt deserving to maintain. Very different from the lower vibrations of shame or guilt (lack of deserving) and apathy (non attachment to deserving).
    Perhaps the most significant result of the stages of grief and fear are that the how we are triggered, are manifestations of what give ego the feeling of lack of control in the first place. Whether conscious or unconscious fears, the world will bring to us that which we fear the most by blocking what next will come about on the other side. What we fear the most is having that which we desire taken from us. That could be any thing that provides us with sustenance or a feeling of being alive. Being in this stage on the vibrational frequency is a strong indicator that the only way to avoid your biggest fears actually manifesting in your physical reality is to pay special attention to what it is you can control. Your vibration is the main thing to pay special attention to. Time for retreat is necessary but also clearing what you feel has become the series of events that have led into the the projected manifestations appearing before you, will be the solution to lift out of this phase. The next phase is again desire, or something of a motivation force for life, a feeling of reciprocity for what we wish to feel and what we know we wish to attain. That is very much an aspect closer to self actualization that will be lead through shadows of ego, and will be the motivational forces to learn how to control the default behaviors. You see the ego is  not your enemy. Just unapologetic in it's actions of self preservation. The point is not to eliminate this side of self but to learn how to cooperate your higher self and your ego self together. This is expressed with a balance of alpha and omega.
    When trying to balance out the two aspects for more content vibrational living we must pay attention to our alpha insights and find a way to incorporated the omega (higher self) to talk the alpha (ego) into understanding it is safe working with together to clear the fears. The two need to come back together to work with one another in a way that is beneficial to both to survive. The separation of the two being the reason for uncontrollable projected manifestations in the first place. The ego presents itself the most when it is threatened, feels a lack of capability or a loss of control. Though the ego will never be quieted completely, it must learn that it is only needed to recognize that those lower vibrational frequencies are present. The Alpha (or ego ) really has the hardest tasks after all to put self into check and allow trust for the Omega (again higher self) to have the egos back. This is a completely foreign idea for the ego. The best thing to do then is to be mindful of the fears that manifest as the result of the grief that the ego self is holding on to or worried about.
This can be cleared in a myriad of ways but the most important to apply is validation of what the ego fears. There is no way to rise the ego above that which is causing the acting out than to face what is feared most.  What is usually the catalyst is a lack of something that provides a feeling of security. So you must find a way to console the ego, to bring to it a feeling that it is not alone. To provide it with safe thinking.
    Meditation can help this, writing a list of what is creating the isolated feelings of lack, moving the attention to a goal that is easily controllable. Or taking ownership for behaviors that were the result of separate mindedness. Writing, spending time in nature, or with a physical being that holds no judgement. From then of course, always with in my guidance is to look to the universe for comfort. From there there is guidance in the conversations you have with others, the articles you may read, the signs that present them self as comfortable manifestations that the omega is with you always. 
   Willingness to let go of what you fear is the only way to move onto the next phase of  Omega expression, desire. Anger and pride will also present themselves at this point as the contribution from ego which will finally put you in a direction that feels like it's going somewhere. Desire, Anger and Pride will be together in the next lesson. As these are all three the result of releasing fear. They are the fuel for what is next focused upon or manifested with. They will be the next level default for how you handle life challenges and can either help you rise above a pitfall or set you back into deeper strife and repeated lessons. The solution is always in the collaboration of your alpha and omega. No one emotion more important than the others, but the working together for all of them to lift you up to feeling well on a regulatory basis.

Much Love & Light,
Klarabelle <3

Friday, February 15, 2019

Lesson 2: Apathy

   The path to self actualization is more progressive than any opportunity given. There are highs and there are lows but consistently there is a feeling that can make itself present with out feeling anything at all. When apathy comes along, it can feel very stagnant. Like everything you have been through was for nothing or that there isn't enough stimuli currently available to continue. In this moment of reprieve the lesson is in the present. There is no opinion that is imposed upon you from others, and you have never outright rejected yourself, if you had known about it. Once you have ceased crucifying yourself at the mercy of others opinions, you can start to feel what should be expected of you. Nothing. Yep, that's right, nothing. In a world that demands that you be smarter, richer, taller, more this way and a little less that, when you cut off the oppression of who you are supposed to be, you arrive at a place of a potential of who you really are.
    Some might have known all along that their soul craved to be seen by what ever form of expression they have fought so hard to be seen for, others might come upon this point as a dead end. Shedding expectations has been a trial, shame and guilt had been very heavy but kept a lot of your focus up until now. With the lack of those burdens there is a lack of something, and the time to replace it with something healthy is now. Though apathy is not a high vibration, it is one working its way into the next and so with honor is needed to feel, even though it feels counter intuitive to finding yourself. You see in the lack of stimulus if you allow your time, when not in devotion to others, to feel apathetic, the feeling of apathy over being apathetic will occur to inspire a beautiful chain reaction. You will go with the motions and allow that lack of flow to you, to create time for something wondrous to be practiced. It is in these moment your mind will have time to wander, it will feel no more degradation, and in those moments, any thing can be considered possible. To hear what the universe has to offer, you first have to allow complete silence. That is what this lack of feeling will provide for your soul. Peace and quiet to hear your true self and what it desires to become.
    As you move up the vibrational frequency, or are able to identify when you are falling down to a certain point, understanding the purpose for the emotion or feeling lack of, in this stage, will help in finding out what attention the feeling is asking for. We moved from shame and guilt in the last post, recognizing that the expectations that others and even ourselves from past mistakes can impose upon our becoming of our true self, are not in alignment with who we feel we really are or who we want to be. Apathy comes to show us that we have a blanks space to fill with what does resonate with who we are. When first awakening we can bounce between these at the bottom for a little while, and that is okay, because the work done at the level of apathy will assist us greatly in the next two phases of raising your vibration. Grief and fear will come out of nowhere and can be helped, can be  be healed quicker if we use the time in apathy wisely. There are some stigmas that can hinder apathy back down into shame and guilt easily by making you feel that in the time of apathy you are being lackadaisical with out any purpose, but the purpose is for you to feel for yourself who you want to be and not for others anyway. Use this time to be present and the universe; your inner self, your soul, will speak to you and give you little peaks of validation in your moments of learning to hear yourself better. This time can be like when we are on a vacation with out an itinerary. You have no place you have to be, you have nothing that you are needing to do except just being and experiencing. That is all that is requested of you at this time. The ways you can receive guidance and direction are in signs and synchronicity and they can be offered in the most obvious ways. You see the world around you is a part of your consciousness, it is your reality awake. It is also a unified consciousness of you as a co creator with others free will, with that allows flow with the laws of the universe.
    I will go into the Laws of the Universe in another article but for this one, the most well known, "The Law of Attraction", infers that like attracts like. It states that, what frequency you emit the same will be brought back unto you. At this stage of apathy therefore, if you seek a desire to rise out of the indulgence of lack, once you have lived in it as long as it remains with in your perception as true, you can see direction in the words spoken by others that are feeling a similar lack of desire, you can see a similar feeling or lack in the shows you watch, books or articles you read, music heard. You will see signs as you are driving or walking through the world that will trigger inner thoughts of, "That's what I am going through. How is the world showing me exactly what I am going through?"  From there the next phase will be for resilience. The presence of ego will appear more headstrong than ever before. It will become so present, after all it fought back shame and guilt and now it deserves to feel some purpose. After apathy, grief and fear will appear to put the ego in check. Now against what we have been taught, ego is not a negative thing. Ego is a motivational force in our physical awakening and can speak for the true self, but with very primitive reactions to the world around us and in grief and fear, our attention will be to learn how to teach the ego how to grow into a more mature version of it's true self. Much like a child learns to grow into a world with others and others preferences, it will need to learn that others free will have a part to play as well. Not in a way that is allowed to dictate who we are, but every one has roles to play, and lines to recite, to collaborate with a story that is being written as we live it. The grief and fear once we realize this, will be for purpose that we will cover in the next lesson.
    In this lesson of apathy, you are asked to cease and desist from asserting your will. You need only be present and less attached to expectations of you. Bonus guidance that will be available to help prepare you for the next lesson can be can be gained by using this time to listen in the silence for unity consciousness. That we all have the same destination for self actualization, but each of us have very different versions for getting there. Grief and fear will come and make that very clear, but in this moment, just allow what will be to be.

Sunday, February 10, 2019

Doing The Work Lesson 1: Shame and Guilt.

   Anyone that has been awoken and put on a spiritual path whether with personal or harmonized motivations has heard that there is a lot of work to be done. What is this work and how do we know that we are doing it correctly? First of all the intention of the the ascension is for self actualization to connect to a bigger purpose. To know that you are evolving, there is a lot that will trigger and stimulate the growth naturally. How you know you are applying the skills needed will come from ways that you respond to handle even the most confusing of pop quizzes that life will assign. You see the layout of the course of ascension is not outlined by a syllabus but there is a chart that can be referenced. The "Levels of Vibrational Frequency" shows a progression of the emotions we emit in times of duress. I can provide you with a general overview to prepare you for satisfactory progress, the biggest indicator will be in the way situations are handled emotionally. For some the application and attention will be obvious indicators for the progress and for others that don't do the work, life will deal out the same cycle lessons over and over until active application  is applied. No one is activated on this journey by accident, every single person is called to develop further. One can decide not to develop in their life time at any point in time and settle for a level of actualization they are comfortable with, but their hearts desires will never be acquired by ignoring the necessary process that when embraced, will carry to align every next level to prepare for the ultimate desire to resonate. There are moments of intensity but with awareness and if lessons are applied, the resistance can be replaced with an easier flow. That is where is this article can come in handy.
    First occurring is the activation. When this happens, we are awakened to the thin vale between the physical and the spiritual. Prior to this we are guided by the templates we are raised with in regards to religion or the path we were told to follow in life. We live by the examples of our elders with out knowing the exact reasons or motivations of each choice or decision made and a hand guiding us is by a benevolent blindness that is accepted by life happening to us, either by a belief that everything happens for a reason or that there is a path that is already written for us. The activation occurs to wake us to another destiny. Suddenly we feel we are exposed to dreams of attainment that feel more true to who we wish we could be. The work in this first layer is about shedding the identity imposed upon us by others in our life. This is not the easiest lesson, as we begin to assert who we are, it seems to matter more how everyone else will adjust to us letting down their expectations of us.
Though who we desire to be is not one that should inflict disappointment, those that love us desire their own expectations to be fulfilled for their own adjustment and  that is a triggering catalyst in this phase of development. As each tower moment occurs, our true self can come out and there are points we are passing through the course that it feels contradictory to success as we allow our self to be seen with out apology by those that have unintentionally imposed their desire of who we are supposed to be. In these moments, guilt and shame can occur and that is the first level to come to work on to realize self actualization.
    Our default will be to fulfill the the expectation imposed upon us by the people that mean the most to us and when we behave in a way that conflicts with that, we have to learn to shed the lowest vibration that keeps us feeling stuck, heavy, or living a life that is not of our own creation. Ironically those that trigger this the most will be the ones that desire us to be true to our self and we will fall into allegiance with the safe identity that is told to us because it is like a safety net. There is not a lack of contrast in this default however and once awakened we will not be satisfied with this version of the self that is fueled by others expectations. There will be moments, that we smile and go along with the story that others tell us about ourselves, but when we are alone and there is no one to conflict with our inner guidance, our emotions will indicate one of two things. We will either embrace the autonomy and begin to avoid those that inflict expectation upon us, or we avoid alone time all together to avoid any shame or guilt that needs to be purged.
Now for the homework to shed the feelings that are keeping you from self actualization. Shame and guilt being the lowest frequencies, they can be the hardest to shed. With awareness the progress can be more easily gauged at this point The amount of work needed in this area will very from person to person but it is the first one that needs attention because the ways we interact with the world are influence by the ways we have been taught it is okay to behave. As humans we are not able to avoid feeling any human emotion but we can learn to keep it under control if it is keeping us from authenticity. After we become aware of the vibrational lesson that needs attention, the study is then placed upon the application of our interaction with the vibration. We then put our focus upon on either our reaction or our response when faced with the uncomfortable feelings that arise. Reaction is a default, while response is a  form of communication that is consciously applied, and can help create a better exchange with the catalyst creating the lower vibrational feelings. Special attention to our responses will be needed in time of healing any shame or guilt that may arise. I recommend the book  Shame and Guilt Master of Disguise by Jane Middleton-Moz, a nice short read that helps bring awareness to our default responses, that once acknowledged can be shed more easily.
    In the beginning of awakening there is a lot that happens to us that feels like it is occurring outside of us but is actually our own beliefs projecting to us much in the way that our dreams show us what we are needing to process in our subconscious while asleep. Reality is the universe as your subconscious awake and must be interacted with. Reality is the point of the process in the first place. The signs and synchronicities are going to be a way to recognize your progress along the way. Those will only be shown to you with trust and faith and special awareness to the world around you. The success coming when you are acting from a place of authenticity first and foremost, what is true to you, will always be rewarded by those that are pushing you by triggering you if you are interacting authentically. The more authentically you are living, the higher the vibration. The higher the vibration the more easily you manifest. Manifestation allows you to create the life experience that is true to your hearts desires. If you set an intention for a life that does not match energetically with where you are in the present the universe will create a path that is full of adversity for you to train and get stronger and become more aligned with what you desire. If you are acting out of a default and shame and guilt are holding you down because of others expectations, you are sending out confusing requests, indicating to the universe what you desire to manifest is not in alignment and will continue to attract and align with what doesn't resonate, or what contrasts with your desires. The work needed though in the moment feels hard and frustrating, but is worth it to co create a desired existence. One that feels true to yourself, and the first bit will be trying but absolutely achievable with enough practice.
With much Love & Light,

Sunday, January 27, 2019

What about the Divine Feminines Karmic lesson?

This is another post that will not resonate with recent popular opinion. My purpose is not to jump on a trend that feels comfortable for a certain mass. There is a lot more to the situations involving the lessons we go through than to point fingers at the partners that are with the ones we have decided are our intendeds. The idea that the Masculines are in a karmic cycle with someone other than the Divine Feminine is a justification for us to fulfill an ego desire that stems from a personal cycle of unrequited love.
What is unrequited love? The idea that there is something or someone just out of reach that has the potential to make us whole if only it were acquired. The reality is, that this expectation will dissipate with the attainment and that will fall into routine, and that is where the Karma is to be worked out. You see we are all Divines, and we are all Karmics. I've said it before and it still remains true, the one that activated you is not the the only one for you. They could be if they were to stay and work out the Karmic cycles that entrap you, but if they don't they are on their own path of discovery. You see if someone is with another and they have been through trial, ups and downs and everything in between that triggers them, that is their path to their personal union, whether with you or with another, that is the real purpose of the Twin Flame journey. The purpose is and will always be to clear feelings that trigger projection or separation that we feel when someone makes us "feel" something we want to blame for.
You see we are all one, all connected to a higher consciousness, and to one another in a way that is for a common goal. To fight darkness and separation with light and love. Unifying is to recognize  God in every other we come into contact with. It doesn't matter if your intended is with another partner, they are with someone that is on their path for a reason and while they had a purpose to awaken you, the journey does not end upon discovery. If you are a person that was activated to a Twin Flame journey by an unavailable person, part of your lesson is to release attachment to a separation mentality, that you are divided from another because of whatever has caused that karmic tape to replay in your perception, and get to personal work to meet with another free soul so live a stable life with love and balance.
Please take no offence upon this discovery, as it is meant to come into your alignment for contrast and to clear a perspective that is maintaining a separated consciousness. There is information out there that emphasizes Masculine with Karmic all over the place. Masculine is stuck with Karmic, Karmic is a Witch, Karmic is holding on to Masculine for dear life. Now, take these titles and apply them to you. You will realize quickly that you may be the energy starring in these main themes. Then for your own personal perspective, take into account how you may be dealing with anyone you may consider a Karmic Masculine in your life and see how your DM might be mirroring their fears, intentions and desires and you have no acceptance of them because of the label or idea that your intended could only be one. This one that could be yours if only he was not with that damn Karmic other woman, or your Karmic Masculine could be the one if only he was the one you deemed to be your DM?
I hope you are seeing what I am getting at. All relationships are to work out what we need to clear, what we need to understand to feel whole and more amicable in our partnerships. If there is a partner in your life that is causing you to feel frustration or pain, their presence is not in vain, they are not only a karmic lesson. Every person you meet is your twin flame because, every person you interact with is a mirror of you. EVERY SINGLE PERSON. The ultimate partner for your souls expression for unity will not be divided by this one or that one, a karmic lesson or another person being with the one you desire. By all the hard work that you have been through with another despite the glorification you will find real true love.
Real true love is when you have been through hell and high water, the depths of your past mistakes, wounds that trigger the pain in your heart, and you work through it with a sense that despite any flaws or setbacks, you choose this soul because it makes you better, stronger and a more evolved soul. It is not a fairytale connection and it is not one that ever has a completion. It is the soul in front of you that is choosing to be there and work out what needs to be overcome to feel willing, open and vulnerable for another. To feel unified with another that makes you feel unconditional love. That is not the same as easy love. Obsession is not love. Activation or expectation that there can only be one is a disservice to your soul growth and a collective ascension.
I do not challenge the concept of the DM being with a Karmic to confuse, trigger or hurt anyone that is attached to one other soul that seems attached to another. Rather, I bring this up to help heal a cycle that is hindering all that is on this souls path. If someone has a partner that they have children with, that they have struggled to grow with, and you think you can do a better job helping that persons soul growth than the one that has been there all along, identify what in your template is asking you to divide or tempt a situation to fit an outcome that is only best for your path alone. Also, on the onther side of the coin, if you have someone in front of you that is trying to love you and you are holding on too tightly that the one for you is the one that is not choosing you, take a look at what love that you give you are not accepting for yourself.
Twin Flame is a beautiful concept to self actualization, not a free pass to create sadness or despair by ego desires. There is no one and one only. There is an all and all is love.

Sunday, January 6, 2019

Selfish Until Proven Selfless

    What I am going to write about today may not be a part of popular opinion, however I am guided to pass on this perspective as truth. There have been many that have eluded to this concept but have missed the direction, at least in my experience to impart the direction for the sole objective that is the true purpose of the Twin Flame experience in it's truest form. There is so much me mentality energy in the world that needs to be shed, that only the ones that can look outside of their own needs are going to be the contributors to the next level ascension of the collective for the good of the world. Love will always win over evil but the only way to help this cause is to get out of cycles of codependent duos with the mentality that with a Twin Flame there is only one other half of your Divine presence in the world. This cannot be when you are a complete balance of all that is with in yourself. You are all that is good you are all that can be bad, you are all that you feed and if you choose to nurture the good that is what will grow. To balance that with another that is also whole in their own right can come in a time called awakening. You and another of the same consciousness ( which is not the same as a soul, you are a whole souls of your own already) we are all of the same consciousness, discovered with one anther the observation of the other. You recognized self as all that is, though soul is your personal separation by body of perspective in the same way that your physical body is broken down to the atom, separate but all One.
    When we are awakened to the universe and our Divine sense of self, our entire world was turned around. Every thing we have been taught or conditioned to believe about the world feels abstract or organized to fool us into being a version of ourselves that doesn't feel true to who we really know that we are. We are taught to believe we are separate. Something with in that is begging to be seen by the world around us craves the unity of the collective. This first split of perspective is meant to awaken us to the Divinity of our individual presence in the world. To help us see and recognize that we are more than just a number in census. That separation is only meant to create an example of our individual importance to the collective as a whole. There is a divinity inside all of us and it is not just for one other soul to experience but for the greater good of the collective. If that power of intention is not the purpose of your journey, and a one love mentality is not your intention, you may remain stuck in a cycle of the "Twin Flame" construct that is only a push and pull battle with in you, blocking the ability to love and be love for another. The Twin Flame is not supposed to only be  romanticized, though it can be lovely and romantic, but when you see all that is as an extension of you and your counter, you can understand that any other can be your Divine counterpart because we are all Divine Masculine and Divine Feminines as individuals of the collective.
    The lessons you live because of one other as a catalyst does not commit you to that soul and that soul only. Your progress with one another can be gauged by the interactions you have coming in with others. If you are feeling any angst or frustrations about any separation just know that there is much more occurring than coming together in a white picket way. There is a power in seeing that there is another that can bring you joy or happiness from all the love you have learned to accept for yourself. There is that "something" about the initiator and you can honor that other but there is more to the story than that being stuck with only one other, if they are not willing to grow with you.
     From that, allow yourself to release the Divine Soul that is not choosing to rule WITH you and allow another to take their place. If there is one that is maintaining a separation because of their ego, let them live in that low vibration and do not let them keep you down with them. Understanding there are many Divine awakened. You do not have to be with the one that activated you. You can partner with another Divine. That other will be there to build with you with out that power struggle that the initiator insists on maintaining. If your counter is adamant to with hold love from you because they don't have complete control, you need to release and purge from them. Allow them to act out of their cowardice, they will not accept your attempts to help because they are and will always see themselves divided and separated from source or God energy. They will always live in selfish, all about them energy.
     When you release this person, you will be offered someone that will give you energy that will grow with your soul and provide you the balance and union you desire and deserve. DO NOT feel that you are letting the initiator drown. You gave them a life line, you dropped them a rope. They chose to resist your help because of their ego. That is their life decision and you are allowed to choose yourself as well. You deserve to be happy.
    I hope that whoever this finds that needed to hear this has found confirmation to rise for themselves and their future. Please don't stay stuck in a past out of loyalty, especially to someone that holds no loyalty for you. If you have given another an opportunity to show up time and time again and they constantly choose themselves alone, it is time to release them and finally allow love to come in. There is another Divine that matches the vibration you have risen to, and they will balance you like you deserve. You have done so much work growing spiritually and this reward is yours for the highest good for all that is. <3