The path to self actualization is more progressive than any opportunity given. There are highs and there are lows but consistently there is a feeling that can make itself present with out feeling anything at all. When apathy comes along, it can feel very stagnant. Like everything you have been through was for nothing or that there isn't enough stimuli currently available to continue. In this moment of reprieve the lesson is in the present. There is no opinion that is imposed upon you from others, and you have never outright rejected yourself, if you had known about it. Once you have ceased crucifying yourself at the mercy of others opinions, you can start to feel what should be expected of you. Nothing. Yep, that's right, nothing. In a world that demands that you be smarter, richer, taller, more this way and a little less that, when you cut off the oppression of who you are supposed to be, you arrive at a place of a potential of who you really are.
Some might have known all along that their soul craved to be seen by what ever form of expression they have fought so hard to be seen for, others might come upon this point as a dead end. Shedding expectations has been a trial, shame and guilt had been very heavy but kept a lot of your focus up until now. With the lack of those burdens there is a lack of something, and the time to replace it with something healthy is now. Though apathy is not a high vibration, it is one working its way into the next and so with honor is needed to feel, even though it feels counter intuitive to finding yourself. You see in the lack of stimulus if you allow your time, when not in devotion to others, to feel apathetic, the feeling of apathy over being apathetic will occur to inspire a beautiful chain reaction. You will go with the motions and allow that lack of flow to you, to create time for something wondrous to be practiced. It is in these moment your mind will have time to wander, it will feel no more degradation, and in those moments, any thing can be considered possible. To hear what the universe has to offer, you first have to allow complete silence. That is what this lack of feeling will provide for your soul. Peace and quiet to hear your true self and what it desires to become.
As you move up the vibrational frequency, or are able to identify when you are falling down to a certain point, understanding the purpose for the emotion or feeling lack of, in this stage, will help in finding out what attention the feeling is asking for. We moved from shame and guilt in the last post, recognizing that the expectations that others and even ourselves from past mistakes can impose upon our becoming of our true self, are not in alignment with who we feel we really are or who we want to be. Apathy comes to show us that we have a blanks space to fill with what does resonate with who we are. When first awakening we can bounce between these at the bottom for a little while, and that is okay, because the work done at the level of apathy will assist us greatly in the next two phases of raising your vibration. Grief and fear will come out of nowhere and can be helped, can be be healed quicker if we use the time in apathy wisely. There are some stigmas that can hinder apathy back down into shame and guilt easily by making you feel that in the time of apathy you are being lackadaisical with out any purpose, but the purpose is for you to feel for yourself who you want to be and not for others anyway. Use this time to be present and the universe; your inner self, your soul, will speak to you and give you little peaks of validation in your moments of learning to hear yourself better. This time can be like when we are on a vacation with out an itinerary. You have no place you have to be, you have nothing that you are needing to do except just being and experiencing. That is all that is requested of you at this time. The ways you can receive guidance and direction are in signs and synchronicity and they can be offered in the most obvious ways. You see the world around you is a part of your consciousness, it is your reality awake. It is also a unified consciousness of you as a co creator with others free will, with that allows flow with the laws of the universe.
I will go into the Laws of the Universe in another article but for this one, the most well known, "The Law of Attraction", infers that like attracts like. It states that, what frequency you emit the same will be brought back unto you. At this stage of apathy therefore, if you seek a desire to rise out of the indulgence of lack, once you have lived in it as long as it remains with in your perception as true, you can see direction in the words spoken by others that are feeling a similar lack of desire, you can see a similar feeling or lack in the shows you watch, books or articles you read, music heard. You will see signs as you are driving or walking through the world that will trigger inner thoughts of, "That's what I am going through. How is the world showing me exactly what I am going through?" From there the next phase will be for resilience. The presence of ego will appear more headstrong than ever before. It will become so present, after all it fought back shame and guilt and now it deserves to feel some purpose. After apathy, grief and fear will appear to put the ego in check. Now against what we have been taught, ego is not a negative thing. Ego is a motivational force in our physical awakening and can speak for the true self, but with very primitive reactions to the world around us and in grief and fear, our attention will be to learn how to teach the ego how to grow into a more mature version of it's true self. Much like a child learns to grow into a world with others and others preferences, it will need to learn that others free will have a part to play as well. Not in a way that is allowed to dictate who we are, but every one has roles to play, and lines to recite, to collaborate with a story that is being written as we live it. The grief and fear once we realize this, will be for purpose that we will cover in the next lesson.
In this lesson of apathy, you are asked to cease and desist from asserting your will. You need only be present and less attached to expectations of you. Bonus guidance that will be available to help prepare you for the next lesson can be can be gained by using this time to listen in the silence for unity consciousness. That we all have the same destination for self actualization, but each of us have very different versions for getting there. Grief and fear will come and make that very clear, but in this moment, just allow what will be to be.
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