Sunday, January 27, 2019

What about the Divine Feminines Karmic lesson?

This is another post that will not resonate with recent popular opinion. My purpose is not to jump on a trend that feels comfortable for a certain mass. There is a lot more to the situations involving the lessons we go through than to point fingers at the partners that are with the ones we have decided are our intendeds. The idea that the Masculines are in a karmic cycle with someone other than the Divine Feminine is a justification for us to fulfill an ego desire that stems from a personal cycle of unrequited love.
What is unrequited love? The idea that there is something or someone just out of reach that has the potential to make us whole if only it were acquired. The reality is, that this expectation will dissipate with the attainment and that will fall into routine, and that is where the Karma is to be worked out. You see we are all Divines, and we are all Karmics. I've said it before and it still remains true, the one that activated you is not the the only one for you. They could be if they were to stay and work out the Karmic cycles that entrap you, but if they don't they are on their own path of discovery. You see if someone is with another and they have been through trial, ups and downs and everything in between that triggers them, that is their path to their personal union, whether with you or with another, that is the real purpose of the Twin Flame journey. The purpose is and will always be to clear feelings that trigger projection or separation that we feel when someone makes us "feel" something we want to blame for.
You see we are all one, all connected to a higher consciousness, and to one another in a way that is for a common goal. To fight darkness and separation with light and love. Unifying is to recognize  God in every other we come into contact with. It doesn't matter if your intended is with another partner, they are with someone that is on their path for a reason and while they had a purpose to awaken you, the journey does not end upon discovery. If you are a person that was activated to a Twin Flame journey by an unavailable person, part of your lesson is to release attachment to a separation mentality, that you are divided from another because of whatever has caused that karmic tape to replay in your perception, and get to personal work to meet with another free soul so live a stable life with love and balance.
Please take no offence upon this discovery, as it is meant to come into your alignment for contrast and to clear a perspective that is maintaining a separated consciousness. There is information out there that emphasizes Masculine with Karmic all over the place. Masculine is stuck with Karmic, Karmic is a Witch, Karmic is holding on to Masculine for dear life. Now, take these titles and apply them to you. You will realize quickly that you may be the energy starring in these main themes. Then for your own personal perspective, take into account how you may be dealing with anyone you may consider a Karmic Masculine in your life and see how your DM might be mirroring their fears, intentions and desires and you have no acceptance of them because of the label or idea that your intended could only be one. This one that could be yours if only he was not with that damn Karmic other woman, or your Karmic Masculine could be the one if only he was the one you deemed to be your DM?
I hope you are seeing what I am getting at. All relationships are to work out what we need to clear, what we need to understand to feel whole and more amicable in our partnerships. If there is a partner in your life that is causing you to feel frustration or pain, their presence is not in vain, they are not only a karmic lesson. Every person you meet is your twin flame because, every person you interact with is a mirror of you. EVERY SINGLE PERSON. The ultimate partner for your souls expression for unity will not be divided by this one or that one, a karmic lesson or another person being with the one you desire. By all the hard work that you have been through with another despite the glorification you will find real true love.
Real true love is when you have been through hell and high water, the depths of your past mistakes, wounds that trigger the pain in your heart, and you work through it with a sense that despite any flaws or setbacks, you choose this soul because it makes you better, stronger and a more evolved soul. It is not a fairytale connection and it is not one that ever has a completion. It is the soul in front of you that is choosing to be there and work out what needs to be overcome to feel willing, open and vulnerable for another. To feel unified with another that makes you feel unconditional love. That is not the same as easy love. Obsession is not love. Activation or expectation that there can only be one is a disservice to your soul growth and a collective ascension.
I do not challenge the concept of the DM being with a Karmic to confuse, trigger or hurt anyone that is attached to one other soul that seems attached to another. Rather, I bring this up to help heal a cycle that is hindering all that is on this souls path. If someone has a partner that they have children with, that they have struggled to grow with, and you think you can do a better job helping that persons soul growth than the one that has been there all along, identify what in your template is asking you to divide or tempt a situation to fit an outcome that is only best for your path alone. Also, on the onther side of the coin, if you have someone in front of you that is trying to love you and you are holding on too tightly that the one for you is the one that is not choosing you, take a look at what love that you give you are not accepting for yourself.
Twin Flame is a beautiful concept to self actualization, not a free pass to create sadness or despair by ego desires. There is no one and one only. There is an all and all is love.

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