Saturday, September 7, 2019

Shadow Work: Healing The True Separation

There is a story in the Christian Faith that tells of the separation of good and evil. It goes back further than the Garden of Eden to the separation of  God and Lucifer. The sacrilegious divide of creation and ego. This is a core aspect that dwells with in each and everyone of us as we learn to manifest our life. There is energy constantly working with us that is beyond our power but there is an aspect with in all of us that is apart of a dark tribe as well. It is the ego that peeks to tell us what we deserve to claim, what we own, what is ours and should be ours and ours only. No sharing. It is us feeling and it's our world. Any obstruction from another is not conducive to maintaining this aspect of self.
    However, through spiritual learning we are guided to understand that we are all that is and that all is with in us. Would you ever with hold accolades from yourself? Not on purpose. There is a division in all of us, polar aspects that don't want to be divided but unfortunately are kind of designed to be. We have to learn to be okay with that.
Picture a caricature of God and Lucifer where they accept one another. It would appear like an image of the Dalai Lama and Charlie Sheen laughing. Neither means no harm. They just want to be themselves and yet hold a large disparity between their intentions for the world. That is were the disassociation from harmony in connection to the world really lies. There is so much information available about how we are all one, how we must learn to work together to progress the evolution of the planet. We can hear or read a statement like "we are all one" and feel that it makes sense but when we are triggered or rubbed the wrong way by a person outside of ourselves, we are not feeling like they are us or we are them, because we would never behave in that way. Or we would never say or do the behavior that they are expressing. Does that part really matter though?
The point I am trying to make is to imagine a family. What defines family to you? Whether it be biological, compiled of friends, or integrated families, the common goal of love being the base of the unity. They are all people outside of you and though they may behave in all the ways you appreciate and admire, there are those that behave in a way you never would, but you love them anyway so you accept them as they are. When it comes to a romantic relationship we can see a difference of opinion more personally because they are seen as a direct reflection of ourselves, but that is the person that needs the most freedom to be themselves more than anyone you are close with. They are separate from you but also apart of you. You would never want to have to defend an aspect of yourself that others don't understand. So you shouldn't be ashamed of anything the one you choose to be with decides to be.
When considering the "separation" most people see that in the Twin Flame community as  being apart from their divine counterpart. The advice that is provided to lead to union is always, work on yourself and work on your "shadow work", but what does that really mean? The most common complaint I hear from a person that feels divided from a divine connection is quite a bit of hurt and sometimes blame. So in that scenario the shadow work needed is to release the obligation you have placed on another outside of your perceived self, by acknowledging that your feelings are yours alone. See when I say that, it is not to say that you caused whatever hurt you on purpose, but there is reason you elicited this particular person's behavior with a need to heal whatever they triggered from you. Perhaps you were clutching too tightly to something you didn't feel quite ready for yet, and you energetically created a separation from someone that felt like too much at the time. 
Only you know your personal circumstances, and you have all the power inside you to figure out the core wounds and how to heal them. There are some guidelines that you can follow that can make this all a little easier.
First is that how you feel the world reacts to you, is the way you react to secret aspects of your self. There are some behaviors and mannerisms you are proud of that receives praise and appreciation from others on a regular basis. You are comfortable with these aspects of yourself, so you naturally attract positive reinforcement of this. On the other side of the coin, there are parts of you that you don't feel comfortable with and this will be shown to you by attracting others that might trigger anxiety or a level of discomfort that is easier to displace outside of yourself, than to feel and take ownership of. In this case the negative emotion that is being triggered can be acknowledged from finding a perspective of why another outside of you is behaving in a way that reacts negatively to you. Your goal is then to find a way to be okay with it no matter what. What I mean by that is, the behaviors that they are bringing to you, are something that you personally disapprove of in your self. With that energy force coming in to you from the form of a separation being, there is something with in you that needs to release what is creating the hostility. Sure, you could avoid that person for a time but more than likely what is needing to be overcame or healed will return to you again from another, until it is acknowledged. Now here is where the healing begins.
That which holds our attention has the power to grow. If you have a person around you that constantly rubs you the wrong way you may take a moment to look with in to the possible similarities you may have. Common ground is one of the best ways to make headway into coming together with another, no matter the type of relationship. What is it about the thing that this person is doing or saying that you see with in yourself? Do you remember a time when you behaved in a way that they are displaying? After acknowledging what about this behavior is testing you, you can choose to keep feeding it frustrated energy by feeling whatever doesn't feel good, or you can agree to disagree with their behavior and accept them for who they are and let them be. What I mean by that is not to create a type cast of this aspect of yourself ( or if you've tapped into them being an aspect of you outside of you, meant to come to you to trigger you) or this being outside of you, but to learn to just accept that they are unapologetic-ally going to show up at their level of growth, just as you deserve to be able to as well.
When feeling a separation or divide from anyone outside of you, it means there is a separation from your own feeling of self and the conditioned ego that is creating a cognitive dissonance that can be healed with attention, forgiveness and acceptance. Ultimately when it comes to a permanent separation from someone or something that  felt like a divine connection the most work that will make the most progress to heal, will be in then taking time to be with yourself and take the time to forgive yourself in the event that you had behaved towards another in the way that you were hurt. Then the need to accept that you may not energetically match that particular person any longer and let that be okay, if only for a short phase in your life.
When we pick up a handful of sand and let it lie flat on our palms, the wind may come and blow some of it away. That doesn't effect us because it just wasn't meant to stay there. If you start to tighten your grip to force the sand to stay, it will start to fall through your grasp. Once its dispersed from holding on too tightly, it can never again lie in your palm in the same way ever again. Consider this, when reaching down to grab another handful of sand, you look at the pile and see a sand dollar or pretty stone inside, that you would have never found if you had kept the other pile in your hand. So is the cycles of healing in our life. Whenever we go through the love, the pain, the healing and the growth, there is another little bit of you that is coming together gradually but perpetually, and most becomingly.
Lots of love and light for your all of your shadows <3
Klarabelle Spirit

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