Sunday, February 10, 2019

Doing The Work Lesson 1: Shame and Guilt.

   Anyone that has been awoken and put on a spiritual path whether with personal or harmonized motivations has heard that there is a lot of work to be done. What is this work and how do we know that we are doing it correctly? First of all the intention of the the ascension is for self actualization to connect to a bigger purpose. To know that you are evolving, there is a lot that will trigger and stimulate the growth naturally. How you know you are applying the skills needed will come from ways that you respond to handle even the most confusing of pop quizzes that life will assign. You see the layout of the course of ascension is not outlined by a syllabus but there is a chart that can be referenced. The "Levels of Vibrational Frequency" shows a progression of the emotions we emit in times of duress. I can provide you with a general overview to prepare you for satisfactory progress, the biggest indicator will be in the way situations are handled emotionally. For some the application and attention will be obvious indicators for the progress and for others that don't do the work, life will deal out the same cycle lessons over and over until active application  is applied. No one is activated on this journey by accident, every single person is called to develop further. One can decide not to develop in their life time at any point in time and settle for a level of actualization they are comfortable with, but their hearts desires will never be acquired by ignoring the necessary process that when embraced, will carry to align every next level to prepare for the ultimate desire to resonate. There are moments of intensity but with awareness and if lessons are applied, the resistance can be replaced with an easier flow. That is where is this article can come in handy.
    First occurring is the activation. When this happens, we are awakened to the thin vale between the physical and the spiritual. Prior to this we are guided by the templates we are raised with in regards to religion or the path we were told to follow in life. We live by the examples of our elders with out knowing the exact reasons or motivations of each choice or decision made and a hand guiding us is by a benevolent blindness that is accepted by life happening to us, either by a belief that everything happens for a reason or that there is a path that is already written for us. The activation occurs to wake us to another destiny. Suddenly we feel we are exposed to dreams of attainment that feel more true to who we wish we could be. The work in this first layer is about shedding the identity imposed upon us by others in our life. This is not the easiest lesson, as we begin to assert who we are, it seems to matter more how everyone else will adjust to us letting down their expectations of us.
Though who we desire to be is not one that should inflict disappointment, those that love us desire their own expectations to be fulfilled for their own adjustment and  that is a triggering catalyst in this phase of development. As each tower moment occurs, our true self can come out and there are points we are passing through the course that it feels contradictory to success as we allow our self to be seen with out apology by those that have unintentionally imposed their desire of who we are supposed to be. In these moments, guilt and shame can occur and that is the first level to come to work on to realize self actualization.
    Our default will be to fulfill the the expectation imposed upon us by the people that mean the most to us and when we behave in a way that conflicts with that, we have to learn to shed the lowest vibration that keeps us feeling stuck, heavy, or living a life that is not of our own creation. Ironically those that trigger this the most will be the ones that desire us to be true to our self and we will fall into allegiance with the safe identity that is told to us because it is like a safety net. There is not a lack of contrast in this default however and once awakened we will not be satisfied with this version of the self that is fueled by others expectations. There will be moments, that we smile and go along with the story that others tell us about ourselves, but when we are alone and there is no one to conflict with our inner guidance, our emotions will indicate one of two things. We will either embrace the autonomy and begin to avoid those that inflict expectation upon us, or we avoid alone time all together to avoid any shame or guilt that needs to be purged.
Now for the homework to shed the feelings that are keeping you from self actualization. Shame and guilt being the lowest frequencies, they can be the hardest to shed. With awareness the progress can be more easily gauged at this point The amount of work needed in this area will very from person to person but it is the first one that needs attention because the ways we interact with the world are influence by the ways we have been taught it is okay to behave. As humans we are not able to avoid feeling any human emotion but we can learn to keep it under control if it is keeping us from authenticity. After we become aware of the vibrational lesson that needs attention, the study is then placed upon the application of our interaction with the vibration. We then put our focus upon on either our reaction or our response when faced with the uncomfortable feelings that arise. Reaction is a default, while response is a  form of communication that is consciously applied, and can help create a better exchange with the catalyst creating the lower vibrational feelings. Special attention to our responses will be needed in time of healing any shame or guilt that may arise. I recommend the book  Shame and Guilt Master of Disguise by Jane Middleton-Moz, a nice short read that helps bring awareness to our default responses, that once acknowledged can be shed more easily.
    In the beginning of awakening there is a lot that happens to us that feels like it is occurring outside of us but is actually our own beliefs projecting to us much in the way that our dreams show us what we are needing to process in our subconscious while asleep. Reality is the universe as your subconscious awake and must be interacted with. Reality is the point of the process in the first place. The signs and synchronicities are going to be a way to recognize your progress along the way. Those will only be shown to you with trust and faith and special awareness to the world around you. The success coming when you are acting from a place of authenticity first and foremost, what is true to you, will always be rewarded by those that are pushing you by triggering you if you are interacting authentically. The more authentically you are living, the higher the vibration. The higher the vibration the more easily you manifest. Manifestation allows you to create the life experience that is true to your hearts desires. If you set an intention for a life that does not match energetically with where you are in the present the universe will create a path that is full of adversity for you to train and get stronger and become more aligned with what you desire. If you are acting out of a default and shame and guilt are holding you down because of others expectations, you are sending out confusing requests, indicating to the universe what you desire to manifest is not in alignment and will continue to attract and align with what doesn't resonate, or what contrasts with your desires. The work needed though in the moment feels hard and frustrating, but is worth it to co create a desired existence. One that feels true to yourself, and the first bit will be trying but absolutely achievable with enough practice.
With much Love & Light,

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