I recently spoke to a client and wanted to define what twins were, its not something that can easily be wrapped up with a bow. It's etheric and confusing. Nonetheless, I wanted to share what came up to me to respond
I wanted to work on a way to explain what a twin flame is so that you can recognize him every moment he presents himself to you through synchronicity. It’s not fail proof and there will be moments of separation. The true union comes in the moments of contentment and happiness. The more you pay attention to the moments when revelations occur, the closer you will get to union. It's been hard for the spiritual community to explain it in incarnated terms, but the source of one’s twin flame is not in another that incarnates as a physical “only” one. "He" is you in everyone else. However, your preferences and qualities that you hold in this reality that you have incarnated in, will influence who your ultimate match is.
Regardless of religious preference, whether you follow the church or not, the bible has outlined the true separation between God and Lucifer. The teachings have been thrown out by many as literal, although it is metaphor and allegory. The truth has been tainted to repel those awakened from the explanation that was the beginning of true twin or separation. Much off it has been in the reign of man over everything else, including female. This is not a feminist rant, but rather one that is to describe the true separation between masculine and Faminine.
Lucifer was sent down to earth to live among humans as a punishment for asking for a fair equality. And was then separated from all that was good. The separation story evolved to the garden of Eden, when Adam listened to Eve and ate the fruit of knowledge. Her decision to gather from the tree made Adam feel "tricked". He felt a betrayal from her which separated him from his God connection to source. She metaphorically was on the side of the serpent for taking the advice. The knowledge of the union being a sacred one was a power that was feared, as it was seen as the defiance of God. He then held a heavier hand than she for centuries later as the one in charge to rule. Now Christ coming was supposed to unionize with his counterpart, Mary Magdalene, yet she was considered too impure for the public matrimony with the pure “son” (man) of God. Now this was the beginning of a gentler man, from his love of this woman, much in the way that our growth in acceptance of others and personal rights have come to evolve into present day. As women are more easily connected, a kinder softer, more empathetic sex, our spiritual connection was severed through out the worlds history to oppress the connection, allowing ego fulfilling commercial monopolies to continue keeping a huge divide between classes. I.e. Roman republic, generations of Monarchs, patriarchal rule, political corruption, commercial conglomerates….
Now stay with me here, because the teachings were a guide to true balance for everyone, yet people in power had tried to keep this information from the mass to maintain a prestige or God like status. (The original separation with ego) it’s just been a slow process through societal control. The true word reminds that good will always prevail over evil, and every generation since has created more balance and equality as human has grown out of their own egos which was the previous intention to maintain separation from true love that unionizes.
In every story whether religious or not, is based on two main characters. the good guy and the bad guy. The good guy is driven by being a savior for all that is good for everyone for everyone to thrive or, "live". While the bad guy creates havoc (separation) by acting in his own ego and behaves for his own behalf, "evil".
Now when countering things in the balance of all, neutrality is the result of a positive and a negative that creates balance even down to the smallest of atom. A yin and a yang. Masculine/ Feminine. When it comes to Twin flames, the divide between sexes, that we have been raised to find ourselves separated from everyone else by ego divide, when the true concept is that we are all one with the universe. Here is the part that seems lonely, but it isn't in the grand scheme and once it sinks in will make so much sense.
When we start to awaken we are provided with synchronicity that show us signs that the universe is looking out for us. Confirmation, that here is something out there that has our backs. That universe, that energy is attached to your twin flame as well. If you picture yourself in a meditative state and a beam of purple light going straight into the heavens. You create a connection with your higher power, your energy source. The more you connect with that source and trust the amazing love and intentions that source has for you, the higher your vibrations and the more you attract the experiences you desire. That source or power is your twin flames source as well, so as you work on yourself and your connections and belief that you are provided for, inherently you are strengthening his bond as well. How well you are trusting this process will come to you in the form of a person accepting you or rejecting you based on your acceptance of circumstances.
This is all contingent on your personal charge at the moment of interactions. Because we are human and are a specific awareness of that source that has been conditioned by the families and soul groups we travel with, that have their own specific personalities and conditioning, we have to work with source to shed those constrictions. As we grow sometimes our twin shows up in multiple people to guide us to the version of them that you work well to relate to and with. Your twin wants your trust and at times it’s not easy, because they often get distracted by a lot of other things going on in your world.
"Your personal world" or "reality" is an entirely separate rabbit hole that we can get into another time.
If you have any questions about any of this information let me know, I know it's a heavy concept but I have studied this particular facet of religious studies very rigorously for many, many years . I'm almost too familiar with the details, so sometimes clarification is needed.
love & light,
Sources I recommend on youtube:
Unconditional Love Flashes (for energy forecasts)
Enchanted world of Twin Flames (Lessons and Tarot)
Golden Ray Twin Flames ( Incredible source for knowledge)
Gagan Nagi (Twin Flame Channeler)
Abraham Hicks (For teachings about Law of Attraction and Creating our own reality)