Monday, November 19, 2018

    There is quite a bit of energy surrounding the masculine being more aware of the divine connection than he is willing to admit. There is an understanding about his energy that is far more than he knows how to express and explain but also has been a secret weapon that is unavailable to the divine feminine. Though her intuition is strong and in tune with the spiritual side of the connection, his is a bit more complex. When both are aware they can provide this for one another back and forth but by not understanding how it works, it has been applied in unintentional ways up until now. He was able to extend it to her with out her understanding that it was coming from him, as the ruler of the lower physical Chakras he is the more aware and in tune with his physical instincts and decided not to express his power, as hers which connects the higher dimensions and provides healing and growth is one that he is not able to tap into in the same way she is able to tap into his. There for he has had this ability to make himself known through the divine to her with out letting her know she is capable to do the same for him as well.
    There is a divinity with in one another and their own perception of consciousnesses that is transmitted back and forth by one another. This is how when you see a sign or expression of another and see your beloved by message or perspective, they do this by delivering there intentions with full faith that their hearts expression be extended to you through the means of other conduits and through the Divine.
    Now prior to this understanding, like stated above it was done unknowingly and with understanding of it as a tool used with intention it can provide a lot of clarity in the communication of your beloved's perspective and feelings in moments of separation or discord.
    The opportunity to do this is available to all twin flames, all that seek to understand the journey and what that means, whether to become unified or understand the duality of the feelings that are inherent to your own instincts. Though your perspective is yours there is nothing that can be accomplished solely through your own means and the other half of perception is necessary to understand the entirety of the situation to understand the purpose of your connection, whether it is romantic or for platonic co creation. It is co creation whether we want to be with our Twin Flame or with out them. Your reality is being created by another dualistcally with you, and the sooner we learn to work together, the more we will be able to create in the future with deliberate intention.

Any questions or for a one on one reading with me you can contact me through email at com or through
You can also find me at Klarabelle Spirit Tarot on YouTube @

Love &Light ,
To chat:
My Profile:

Monday, October 29, 2018

Decisions, decisions

I'm in the process of uploading new content on my channel focused on breaking down energies for the week for each sign, keep an eye out for when it posts.
One major theme I noticed for the week ahead for all signs is surrounding big decisions! Now how each of you will deal with this progress moving forward is personal to your exact situations and the guidance more in depth with how you should move forward in a way that eliminates resistance for any forward progress. 
I look forward to speaking with you on this, but first and foremost always let your own intuition be your decision maker on all things final. I am here to help you decide what direction you want to take and what the likely outcomes are but ultimately you are your own co creator with the divine. 
Be well this week. I will be online all day <3
Love &Light ,
To chat:
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Friday, September 28, 2018

Leap of Faith

Today's energies are exciting! There seems to be a new beginning that is going to be providing us with a feeling of contribution to the world outside of ourselves.. We are showing up to a desire with a personal sense of confidence. This new endeavor is the result of unifying with another, who has helped make you see how much you have to offer the world. Applying this new found capability is one that has emotional risks attached but you are willing to put yourself out there because you believe in yourself and your intentions are pure. This could be in the form of business or a new relationship, someone has helped you get your confidence back and you are feeling ready to start a project anew.

We are all connected and these are the general energies surrounding our day today, but we are all individual creators that will apply these energies to the specific inner truth that is for our highest good, intentions and purpose. Contact me if you would like a more in depth look at your personal circumstances.

This is the last weekend I will be offering my Love and Relationships listing for the $2.22 special. A lot of that has to do with merging the conscientiousness of the material world with the divine trinity to get out of this separation from day to day living on our own and allow the universe to provide us with abundant riches. Money is only an energy exchange tool and we get back what we give out. After this weekend my main listing rate will go up to $3.33 a minute. If you are interested in taking advantage of this last weekend at the rate of $2.22, we can discuss for you ways to increase your universal flow of abundance in whatever way you would like to receive it, be it financial, in love, peace, free time... I am available by any of the links below.

Klarabelle Spirit

I am a twin flame reader, love, tarot and energy reader. 10 minutes for $1.99 for new members, follow my link below to register. I make readings quick, should I need excessive time to tap into your energy for resolution, I will end the chat, focus, and send you a follow up email with more free minutes to discuss what I read into. I am here to help. I'm serving my mission.

Love&Light <3
Klarabelle Spirit
General Energies this week: To chat: My Profile:

Thursday, September 27, 2018

Today's Energies

Online through out the day and into the night with just a few gaps of time for breaks. My general reading today regarding relationships has a lot to do with someone feeling very sad about taking advantage of the chances that they have been given and failing. They are not trusting their own choices and decisions and are very much focused on work and other material things. If you want to know how this relates to you personally and what the person in your circumstances, whether the person hurting or the one that caused the hurt, wishes they could tell you in your situation, lets talk. 


I am a twin flame reader, love, tarot and energy reader. Three free minutes to talk from any of the links below. I make readings quick, should I need excessive time to tap into your energy for resolution, I will end the chat, focus, and send you a follow up email with more free minutes to discuss what I read into. I am here to help. I'm serving my mission.  
General Energies this week:
 To chat:
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Saturday, September 22, 2018

What a Tangled Web We Weave

It has been a crazy summer with many big changes for most of us. Some of them good, some of them bad but all of them for growth. The energy for the collective has diverted focus from the busyness and activities of Summer, into a cozy and relieving Fall. The Universe is very much wanting life to be an enjoyable experience, and the more we dwell on any past wrongs, or apprehensions for any future decisions that may not end up the way we want later on down the road, the less we are present to enjoy the moments that are truly with us. Fall is one of the nicest times of year to feel present.
I am getting specific resolution for a few of you that has culminated from a devastating separation. There is a lot more that is going to come from this chapters end. Especially when there are significant main characters, there is always a climax to a plot twist. Just know that your story is up to you to write, but when you are having a bit of writers block, I can help you get insight into what Spirit wants to let you know to get you inspired again. Much Love my dears <3 Love&Light, Klarabelle I am a twin flame reader, love, tarot and energy reader. Three free minutes to talk from any of the links below. I make readings quick, should I need excessive time to tap into your energy for resolution, I will end the chat, focus, and send you a follow up email with more free minutes to discuss what I read into. I am here to help. I'm serving my mission. General Energies this week: To chat: My Profile:

Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Knowing When to Say When

     After so much back and forth and up and down, we are in a time when we are being energetically forced to detached. For some it is a welcoming reprieve, for others it is a white knuckle experience. Regardless when the universe feels it's time for a change it will push you until you find acceptance in the growth. We are not allowed to stay stagnant in this experience. The best way to work through the uncomfortable emotions is to embrace the time that you are given for yourself. Though inner work is just that, a lot of work, there is quite a reward in the self awareness that is immeasurable.
    When we finally get to the the acceptance of the changes, there are two sources you can depend on to get through the day to day. God and yourself. There is no one on the outside that can do the work for you to evolve into the person you are meant to be. Not even your Twin Flame. This is possibly the hardest aspect to release when on this journey, but there is very good reason.
     Because Twin Flame is a divine connection, it is only attained when you release control of the outcome of any situation involving your twin. If you believe in the divinity of your other half, you have to be willing to surrender to the way that you are guided to grow and change to be able to connect with union. This at times requires you to be apart from your twin. This can leave you feeling empty and alone but there is purpose for it.
      The mirror effect is a very obvious way to assess where your attention is needed. When we are feeling lack of acknowledgement from the person the means the most to us in the whole world, what is being reflected to you is that you are putting so much more emphasis outside of you, and its time to bring it back inside again.
      There are a couple ways that you can handle this temporary separation. As the emotions overwhelmingly trigger inside conflict of very deep feelings of rejection and confusion, there is an opportunity to get out of these low vibrations through self focus. This can be a instinctual process when you choose to surrender to the temporary solitude. Prior to the ability to move forward it's imperative to identify the feelings that you are experiencing and decide how long you want to stay in the energy of the lack. There is not a set amount of time for this and when the time comes you will recognize when you are ready to begin. It is then necessary to do the next indicated thing to be able to move forward. That is different for everyone but it most definitely results in finding value, inspiration and hope in yourself and your future.
     There is a way to move forward and it is not quite as difficult as it may seem to begin, you just have to be willing and God will put the opportunities in front of you. All unions are unique and require healing specifically to your personal life events. There is physical reunion approaching and so much more to be said to re-acclimate in a way that is less resistant to the uncomfortable projections that our twins mirror back onto us. I am here to help. I have created a listing that is at a very special rate of $2.22 to signify the union and help as many twins come together as possible.


I am a twin flame reader, love, tarot and energy reader. Three free minutes to talk from any of the links below. I make readings quick, should I need excessive time to tap into your energy for resolution, I will end the chat, focus, and send you a follow up email with more free minutes to discuss what I read into. I am here to help. I'm serving my mission.  
General Energies this week:
 To chat:
My Profile:

Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Ready to do this?

There is quite a bit of energy surrounding the DF empowerment from previous neglect or rejection. She is standing up for her partners lack of attention and learning to feel content with the non reciprocation from the attention from DM. She is trying to overcome feeling like her worth is dependent on his attention. Though she is being forced to face these feelings as an assessment of  her own personal worth, she is equally feeling justified to it's need as well as resistant to it to at this time. Do not worry, these feelings will pass. All unions are unique and require healing specifically to your personal life events. There is physical reunion approaching and so much more to be said to re-acclimate in a way that is less resistant to the uncomfortable projections that our twins mirror back onto us. I am here to help. I have created a listing that is at a very special rate of $2.22 to signify the union and help as many twins come together as possible.


I am a twin flame reader, love, tarot and energy reader. Three free minutes to talk from any of the links below. I make readings quick, should I need excessive time to tap into your energy for resolution, I will end the chat, focus, and send you a follow up email with more free minutes to discuss what I read into. I am here to help. I'm serving my mission.  
General Energies this week:
 To chat:
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Sunday, May 20, 2018

The Light in the Dark, the Dark in the Light

     There was a beginning there will be an end. That is how all stories go. One thing about twin flames is that everyone is running for the finish line, for the totality. It's hard to find a way to create words to let it sink in, they are your other half, in a way that is NOT your mirror as a direct reflection. They are reflectively the opposite of everything you believe so full force, that you need to be brought back to center. There is no one right way to view things. The sooner collective lets that resonate the more our collective evolves. Evolution however is a progression, not an end, so is the maintenance of your twin flame union.
     In where there is darkness there is always some light, in what radiates light, there is a bit of darkness surrounding. The yin and yang is more than just a symbol. We view it and curiosities  impose, but it in western cultures it is  the separation of the highest order, with some empathy. You see in the symbol, to make it matter, one can not exist with out the other. The most important part of the symbol is the element of one side to the other. The eye of the other flickers inside triggering a change or growth inside the other, of perspective that is outside of ones own.
     When it comes to twin flames it is not about understanding the when, how or why, its not about the union. Everything that is the counter you wish to join with, is about about growth. Ugh.... self growth,  not fun at all. No way, I don't like that is the key either. There is more to Twin Flames than just falling in love. It's something other than romantic. It's in fact void of obsession all together. Twin Flames is learning to balance the beliefs and expectations we have regarding the way we want to be treated, the way we want to learn how to love, in perspective that will provide us with center.
     There is much to be discussed in terms of finding balance from the projections we place on our intendeds. There is more to their behavior than surface value and I'd like to help you balance, understand and overcome these beliefs so that you can be in harmonious union with your beloved.

I am a twin flame reader, love, tarot and energy reader. Three free minutes to talk from any of the links below. I make readings quick, should I need excessive time to tap into your energy for resolution, I will end the chat, focus, and send you a follow up email with more free minutes to discuss what I read into. I am here to help. I'm serving my mission. I have a new listing specific to twin flames in the works. In the meantime you can reach me from any of the below links. I am always available through email as well. 

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Sunday, May 6, 2018

When Did You Ask for the "One'?

One day I asked for god to send me the "one". At the time I thought that it was a man that I was over the moon over. I thought he was everything I would have wanted. He was someone that would reject me, then reach out to me only to reject me again. It became a cycle that ensued more times than I can count. Then one day I had a vision of a man. I won’t disclose the specifics of this person's description, but as I was describing this specific vision to a friend, then in walked the one. I didn't know it at the time and never would have guessed but everything that happened after, lead me back to him over and over in a very synchronistic way. At that point I had thought my intended would be something quite different than this man that I met, much more an opposition of who I was. An opposite direct mirror.  The "one" and I maintained contact through friends and I later found out that the moment he saw me he had decided I was his "one".
After some situations the human ego warranted, finally I gave into the pull. I fell harder than I expected, and everything flew naturally. We had strong moments of frustration merging our identities into but due to outside circumstances, some of our worst influences were guided away. He and I became the best versions of ourselves. A few years of that and outside circumstances found their way back in and we retreated to our previous identities separated. We both felt our lives going different ways. We had our first separation. During that time, I met another that created contrast to the settled opportunity I had with the latter. Though he offered what I thought I craved, he became quite a dead-end road. The "one" and I came back together gradually, as I realized the other while more artistic and etheric, did not have my best interest at heart as the "one" always had. 
At this point I discovered the idea of twin flames and law of attraction. This was the time of my activation. After some time, we tried to integrate the parts of us we thought we had discovered, but I had far out grown the version of myself that my partner could accept.
In the way I was growing into my strength my "one" was learning to be a little softer.  Although who I was being guided to become was an extreme, to the version of me he had expected me to stay he and I both had a little more work to do.
 I was being guided on a very spiritual path. At that point I was sent on a personal journey that took me away from he and my family and I had to endure some harsh alone time. At the time I was guided to invest time with another that I was set was my true twin flame. Over and over I was forced to spend time with this person, I never would have expected could be my ultimate mirror. He was shallow and vain, he thought that everything in the world revolved around him. Literally every aspect of humanity I abhorred. And then it clicked.
He was what I was projecting onto the world. Suddenly my identity shifted, and I lost all of my ego. I felt very deflated. This person moved passed me as if I hadn't mattered, and I realized that is how I had been treating my one from perceiving his contribution to the world as only arrogance. Giving my attention to those that didn't want attention but neglecting those that put in effort to receive attention. 
There was a moment I saw my "one" in another after an epiphany. I had come to a strong purpose in my life and the reflection from this other was proud of the empowerment I felt. As I sat across this date, I saw my actual twin though not incarnate, but his physical implications. Again, I resisted, and the previous false twin made himself known again. At the time I experienced, euphoric downloads of information and on a trip, home became so close to reunion. However, my ego deflected it and moral compass took over with loyalty to the one I was involved with over my true intended, so bogged up that I rejected the real twin flame for the false.
Your consciousness will always test you back into the situations that will guide you back to your twin. Your twin is not a mirror of you. They are a mirror of the contrast you need to grow. It is not about what you are supposed to do or who others think you should be, you will always get repeated guidance towards union. It will come by repeated cycles with your twin that you are meant to learn how to pass into a next stage of intimacy, or you will be guided off course you learn to recognize where your twin always originally had your best at heart despite their initial impressions. 
Months later a situation much like the one that occurred that bonded the "one" and I together happened again and we were back together as if nothing had ever changed. The time that had passed had allowed each of us to see each other in a deeper way than we could before. Past the egoistic entities we identified as. He became accepting of my eccentric, all is Love, spiritual way of looking at things and I of his hard black and white, tough persona.
Together again we are one and the same but a with a new balance to life. We Are the harsh and the gentle in one. We are Yin and Yang. Not always agreeing on the way we see the world. But we see each other. We are love.

Klarabelle <3

 To chat:
My Profile:

I am a twin flame reader, love, tarot and energy reader. Three free minutes to talk from any of the links above. I make readings quick, should I need excessive time to tap into your energy for resolution, I will end the chat, focus, and send you a follow up email with more free minutes to discuss what I read into. I am here to help. I'm serving my mission. 

Also Swagbucks offers 5,000 points for signing up to keen and working with an advisor for 5 minutes. Thats good for a $50.00 gift card. 

Register with Swagbucks, come back to this link to chat with me, after you register and get 3 free minutes, pay for 2, make sure you click the activate 5,000 point reward from swagbucks and you get a $50 giftcard.  

*I am not affiliated with swagbucks, am not being paid to advirtise for them, it's just a great deal. 

Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Evolution: History of Twin Flames

I recently spoke to a client and wanted to define what twins were, its not something that can easily be wrapped up with a bow. It's etheric and confusing. Nonetheless, I wanted to share what came up to me to respond

I wanted to work on a way to explain what a twin flame is so that you can recognize him every moment he presents himself to you through synchronicity. It’s not fail proof and there will be moments of separation. The true union comes in the moments of contentment and happiness. The more you pay attention to the moments when revelations occur, the closer you will get to union. It's been hard for the spiritual community to explain it in incarnated terms, but the source of one’s twin flame is not in another that incarnates as a physical “only” one.  "He" is you in everyone else.  However, your preferences and qualities that you hold in this reality that you have incarnated in, will influence who your ultimate match is. 
Regardless of religious preference, whether you follow the church or not, the bible has outlined the true separation between God and Lucifer. The teachings have been thrown out by many as literal, although it is metaphor and allegory. The truth has been tainted to repel those awakened from the explanation that was the beginning of true twin or separation. Much off it has been in the reign of man over everything else, including female. This is not a feminist rant, but rather one that is to describe the true separation between masculine and Faminine.
Lucifer was sent down to earth to live among humans as a punishment for asking for a fair equality. And was then separated from all that was good. The separation story evolved to the garden of Eden, when Adam listened to Eve and ate the fruit of knowledge. Her decision to gather from the tree made Adam feel "tricked". He felt a betrayal from her which separated him from his God connection to source. She metaphorically was on the side of the serpent for taking the advice. The knowledge of the union being a sacred one was a power that was feared, as it was seen as the defiance of God. He then held a heavier hand than she for centuries later as the one in charge to rule. Now Christ coming was supposed to unionize with his counterpart, Mary Magdalene, yet she was considered too impure for the public matrimony with the pure “son” (man) of God. Now this was the beginning of a gentler man, from his love of this woman, much in the way that our growth in acceptance of others and personal rights have come to evolve into present day. As women are more easily connected, a kinder softer, more empathetic sex, our spiritual connection was severed through out the worlds history to oppress the connection, allowing ego fulfilling commercial monopolies to continue keeping a huge divide between classes. I.e. Roman republic, generations of Monarchs, patriarchal rule, political corruption, commercial conglomerates….
Now stay with me here, because the teachings were a guide to true balance for everyone, yet people in power had tried to keep this information from the mass to maintain a prestige or God like status. (The original separation with ego) it’s just been a slow process through societal control. The true word reminds that good will always prevail over evil, and every generation since has created more balance and equality as human has grown out of their own egos which was the previous intention to maintain separation from true love that unionizes. 
In every story whether religious or not, is based on two main characters. the good guy and the bad guy. The good guy is driven by being a savior for all that is good for everyone for everyone to thrive or, "live". While the bad guy creates havoc (separation) by acting in his own ego and behaves for his own behalf, "evil".
Now when countering things in the balance of all, neutrality is the result of a positive and a negative that creates balance even down to the smallest of atom. A yin and a yang. Masculine/ Feminine. When it comes to Twin flames, the divide between sexes, that we have been raised to find ourselves separated from everyone else by ego divide, when the true concept is that we are all one with the universe. Here is the part that seems lonely, but it isn't in the grand scheme and once it sinks in will make so much sense. 
When we start to awaken we are provided with synchronicity that show us signs that the universe is looking out for us. Confirmation, that here is something out there that has our backs. That universe, that energy is attached to your twin flame as well. If you picture yourself in a meditative state and a beam of purple light going straight into the heavens. You create a connection with your higher power, your energy source. The more you connect with that source and trust the amazing love and intentions that source has for you, the higher your vibrations and the more you attract the experiences you desire. That source or power is your twin flames source as well, so as you work on yourself and your connections and belief that you are provided for, inherently you are strengthening his bond as well. How well you are trusting this process will come to you in the form of a person accepting you or rejecting you based on your acceptance of circumstances.
This is all contingent on your personal charge at the moment of interactions. Because we are human and are a specific awareness of that source that has been conditioned by the families and soul groups we travel with, that have their own specific personalities and conditioning, we have to work with source to shed those constrictions. As we grow sometimes our twin shows up in multiple people to guide us to the version of them that you work well to relate to and with. Your twin wants your trust and at times it’s not easy, because they often get distracted by a lot of other things going on in your world. 
"Your personal world" or "reality" is an entirely separate rabbit hole that we can get into another time. 
If you have any questions about any of this information let me know, I know it's a heavy concept but I have studied this particular facet of religious studies very rigorously for many, many years . I'm almost too familiar with the details, so sometimes clarification is needed. 
 love & light,

Sources I recommend on youtube:
Unconditional Love Flashes (for energy forecasts)
Enchanted world of Twin Flames (Lessons and Tarot)
Golden Ray Twin Flames ( Incredible source for knowledge)
Gagan Nagi (Twin Flame Channeler)
Abraham Hicks (For teachings about Law of Attraction and Creating our own reality)

Sunday, April 22, 2018

What is this current pushing away energy?

       I've noticed in my own personal twin dynamic quite a bit of a push and pull. There has been some foggy energy surrounding this. Me and many that I know, have been feeling this need for self or that our counterpart has been feeling the need to pull away for their own best interest. It has created quite a rift for partners as far as communication goes.
       When trying to pull out of this disconnection, defenses come up, the need to deflect and find a way to make it "anothers" fault is creating a continuation of seperation. The seperation is occuring because you are viewing your partner as seperate from you. That is the definition of seperation. We have to rememeber that they are feeling and going through things in their incarnated self that we didn't experience in our view of perception as the body we are experiencing reality in.
       This is just a quick note to outline the energies regarding this push. Again this is not the same for everyone as far as the reason why it is happening. To shed some light on the why to your pesonal journey you can contact me for more information. At the moment I am offering a free emailed history on the subject of twin flames; who we are, and how we are learning to balance into union with every reading interested in twin flames that contacts me and mentions this blog post.

I am a twin flame reader, love, tarot and energy reader. Three free minutes to talk from any of the links below. I make readings quick, should I need excessive time to tap into your energy for resolution, I will end the chat, focus, and send you a follow up email with more free minutes to discuss what I read into. I am here to help. I'm serving my mission.
Also Swagbucks offers 5,000 points for signing up to keen and working with an advisor for 5 minutes. Thats good for a 50.00 gift card.
Register with Swagbucks, go to keen, register and get 3 free minutes, pay for 2 and you get $50.
*I am not affiliated with swagbucks, am not being paid to advirtise for them, it's just a great deal. To chat: My Profile: