Sunday, June 16, 2019

Lesson 3: Grief and Fear

    Grief can strike at anytime, and in a moment of weakness, one can become susceptible to fear. Both are vibrationally overwhelming as they can take all attention with little room for encouragement. When either presents itself it can become all consuming and can take over and then lead your decisions to default to split second moments. The ego will begin to run the show. What comes out then are the result of what you have fear over, and will present and take all you have created away. Once you pass shame and guilt (crucifixion) apathy (lack of emotion) and get to a point of grief and fear (emotion overload) it can feel like you have no control of what goes on around you. That is true and not true at the same time. You see there are things that are with in your control to maintain, however it only has to do with what you focus your attention on. This is an opportunity to find a way to apply all the energy coming at you in a way that is channeled into what is with in your control. Other people, places, and things are not with in your control. What is in your control, is how you bring yourself back into a mindful presence. The presentation of feeling an attachment is progress that there is something felt deserving to maintain. Very different from the lower vibrations of shame or guilt (lack of deserving) and apathy (non attachment to deserving).
    Perhaps the most significant result of the stages of grief and fear are that the how we are triggered, are manifestations of what give ego the feeling of lack of control in the first place. Whether conscious or unconscious fears, the world will bring to us that which we fear the most by blocking what next will come about on the other side. What we fear the most is having that which we desire taken from us. That could be any thing that provides us with sustenance or a feeling of being alive. Being in this stage on the vibrational frequency is a strong indicator that the only way to avoid your biggest fears actually manifesting in your physical reality is to pay special attention to what it is you can control. Your vibration is the main thing to pay special attention to. Time for retreat is necessary but also clearing what you feel has become the series of events that have led into the the projected manifestations appearing before you, will be the solution to lift out of this phase. The next phase is again desire, or something of a motivation force for life, a feeling of reciprocity for what we wish to feel and what we know we wish to attain. That is very much an aspect closer to self actualization that will be lead through shadows of ego, and will be the motivational forces to learn how to control the default behaviors. You see the ego is  not your enemy. Just unapologetic in it's actions of self preservation. The point is not to eliminate this side of self but to learn how to cooperate your higher self and your ego self together. This is expressed with a balance of alpha and omega.
    When trying to balance out the two aspects for more content vibrational living we must pay attention to our alpha insights and find a way to incorporated the omega (higher self) to talk the alpha (ego) into understanding it is safe working with together to clear the fears. The two need to come back together to work with one another in a way that is beneficial to both to survive. The separation of the two being the reason for uncontrollable projected manifestations in the first place. The ego presents itself the most when it is threatened, feels a lack of capability or a loss of control. Though the ego will never be quieted completely, it must learn that it is only needed to recognize that those lower vibrational frequencies are present. The Alpha (or ego ) really has the hardest tasks after all to put self into check and allow trust for the Omega (again higher self) to have the egos back. This is a completely foreign idea for the ego. The best thing to do then is to be mindful of the fears that manifest as the result of the grief that the ego self is holding on to or worried about.
This can be cleared in a myriad of ways but the most important to apply is validation of what the ego fears. There is no way to rise the ego above that which is causing the acting out than to face what is feared most.  What is usually the catalyst is a lack of something that provides a feeling of security. So you must find a way to console the ego, to bring to it a feeling that it is not alone. To provide it with safe thinking.
    Meditation can help this, writing a list of what is creating the isolated feelings of lack, moving the attention to a goal that is easily controllable. Or taking ownership for behaviors that were the result of separate mindedness. Writing, spending time in nature, or with a physical being that holds no judgement. From then of course, always with in my guidance is to look to the universe for comfort. From there there is guidance in the conversations you have with others, the articles you may read, the signs that present them self as comfortable manifestations that the omega is with you always. 
   Willingness to let go of what you fear is the only way to move onto the next phase of  Omega expression, desire. Anger and pride will also present themselves at this point as the contribution from ego which will finally put you in a direction that feels like it's going somewhere. Desire, Anger and Pride will be together in the next lesson. As these are all three the result of releasing fear. They are the fuel for what is next focused upon or manifested with. They will be the next level default for how you handle life challenges and can either help you rise above a pitfall or set you back into deeper strife and repeated lessons. The solution is always in the collaboration of your alpha and omega. No one emotion more important than the others, but the working together for all of them to lift you up to feeling well on a regulatory basis.

Much Love & Light,
Klarabelle <3