Monday, November 19, 2018

    There is quite a bit of energy surrounding the masculine being more aware of the divine connection than he is willing to admit. There is an understanding about his energy that is far more than he knows how to express and explain but also has been a secret weapon that is unavailable to the divine feminine. Though her intuition is strong and in tune with the spiritual side of the connection, his is a bit more complex. When both are aware they can provide this for one another back and forth but by not understanding how it works, it has been applied in unintentional ways up until now. He was able to extend it to her with out her understanding that it was coming from him, as the ruler of the lower physical Chakras he is the more aware and in tune with his physical instincts and decided not to express his power, as hers which connects the higher dimensions and provides healing and growth is one that he is not able to tap into in the same way she is able to tap into his. There for he has had this ability to make himself known through the divine to her with out letting her know she is capable to do the same for him as well.
    There is a divinity with in one another and their own perception of consciousnesses that is transmitted back and forth by one another. This is how when you see a sign or expression of another and see your beloved by message or perspective, they do this by delivering there intentions with full faith that their hearts expression be extended to you through the means of other conduits and through the Divine.
    Now prior to this understanding, like stated above it was done unknowingly and with understanding of it as a tool used with intention it can provide a lot of clarity in the communication of your beloved's perspective and feelings in moments of separation or discord.
    The opportunity to do this is available to all twin flames, all that seek to understand the journey and what that means, whether to become unified or understand the duality of the feelings that are inherent to your own instincts. Though your perspective is yours there is nothing that can be accomplished solely through your own means and the other half of perception is necessary to understand the entirety of the situation to understand the purpose of your connection, whether it is romantic or for platonic co creation. It is co creation whether we want to be with our Twin Flame or with out them. Your reality is being created by another dualistcally with you, and the sooner we learn to work together, the more we will be able to create in the future with deliberate intention.

Any questions or for a one on one reading with me you can contact me through email at com or through
You can also find me at Klarabelle Spirit Tarot on YouTube @

Love &Light ,
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