After so much back and forth and up and down, we are in a time when we are being energetically forced to detached. For some it is a welcoming reprieve, for others it is a white knuckle experience. Regardless when the universe feels it's time for a change it will push you until you find acceptance in the growth. We are not allowed to stay stagnant in this experience. The best way to work through the uncomfortable emotions is to embrace the time that you are given for yourself. Though inner work is just that, a lot of work, there is quite a reward in the self awareness that is immeasurable.
When we finally get to the the acceptance of the changes, there are two sources you can depend on to get through the day to day. God and yourself. There is no one on the outside that can do the work for you to evolve into the person you are meant to be. Not even your Twin Flame. This is possibly the hardest aspect to release when on this journey, but there is very good reason.
Because Twin Flame is a divine connection, it is only attained when you release control of the outcome of any situation involving your twin. If you believe in the divinity of your other half, you have to be willing to surrender to the way that you are guided to grow and change to be able to connect with union. This at times requires you to be apart from your twin. This can leave you feeling empty and alone but there is purpose for it.
The mirror effect is a very obvious way to assess where your attention is needed. When we are feeling lack of acknowledgement from the person the means the most to us in the whole world, what is being reflected to you is that you are putting so much more emphasis outside of you, and its time to bring it back inside again.
There are a couple ways that you can handle this temporary separation. As the emotions overwhelmingly trigger inside conflict of very deep feelings of rejection and confusion, there is an opportunity to get out of these low vibrations through self focus. This can be a instinctual process when you choose to surrender to the temporary solitude. Prior to the ability to move forward it's imperative to identify the feelings that you are experiencing and decide how long you want to stay in the energy of the lack. There is not a set amount of time for this and when the time comes you will recognize when you are ready to begin. It is then necessary to do the next indicated thing to be able to move forward. That is different for everyone but it most definitely results in finding value, inspiration and hope in yourself and your future.
There is a way to move forward and it is not quite as difficult as it may seem to begin, you just have to be willing and God will put the opportunities in front of you. All unions are unique and require healing specifically to your personal life events. There is physical reunion approaching and so much more to be said to re-acclimate in a way that is less resistant to the uncomfortable projections that our twins mirror back onto us. I am here to help. I have created a listing that is at a very special rate of $2.22 to signify the union and help as many twins come together as possible.
I am a twin flame reader, love, tarot and energy reader. Three free minutes to talk from any of the links below. I make readings quick, should I need excessive time to tap into your energy for resolution, I will end the chat, focus, and send you a follow up email with more free minutes to discuss what I read into. I am here to help. I'm serving my mission.
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