Good day! Just a quick note involving the energies of the day.
For the masculine I am getting that he is very focused on how to organize the physical but his block is being too focused solely on the physical and not trusting his connection to source. He is learning to trust and get into a more spiritual approach. He is learning to get out of his own ego and learning to pay attention to signs and speaking to his higher power. He is learning to see that there is more to attribute to receiving by letting go and learning to experience the divine as a true energy force that wants to help.
The feminine is still working on balancing her own energies and is focused so tightly on any fear of separation with in herself that she is unaware and so focused on solving the problems, that it is hard for her to realize that she doesn't need to do any thing to help in the physical. Her purpose is to open and inspire. Be a muse. So speak of love and heart and just be. She needs to trust and have faith in her light, which is what encourages love to flow.
It's essential to be unified when balancing the battles of the physical and the emotional. When manifesting, the best way to relinquish any unrequited feelings from one aspect to the other is in supporting the other perspective and the aspect that they govern with trust.
This reading is not a male and female out side of you, its the balance of your energies with in which will help you cultivate or manifest that which you desire. With much appreciation to all of our saints, guides and each of our higher powers, on this day. <3
Love & Light ,
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