The full balance of integrating our two polar versions of self is the true opportunity to experience heaven on earth. Activation of the earthly grounded version, which could be the version of the lower chakras or masculine, yang. It relates to our abilities to ground and survive on the earth plane or 3D. Now, to find the balance we must also acknowledge the other side of the spectrum which is our connection to source and divine energy. We can all tap into this 5D. This is the connection you feel responds when you pray this is your higher power or God, however that resonates. This energy is in the higher chakras, and can be considered the feminine connection we all have, yin energy. The power of both aspects being acknowledged is where the unification of a balance or a third androgynous energy and it is full alignment. This is the complete picture which is the dark in the light and the light in the dark which exists in every single person on the planet. Especially you. It is yin and yang.
The above information is important to understand for the way I do these energy forcasts because I read what is going on in these 2 seperate energies that make up this third energy for integration. This is a general reading for this weekend. As it resonates, there will be individual variants that can be read with a more specific details that pertain to your situation, contact me for more information. I do this general forcast to get a quicker general read as a collective so that the details come quicker in a one on one reading. I will be on tonight until 10.00pm MST
Now for the Goods:
She is the idea, he is the action. Together they are unstoppable.
For the masculine side I see a block of imprisonment or entrapment, the masculine is taking the energy very seriously. I see when it comes to emotions the energy is very heavy. Almost like the emotions are so powerful that they are hard to experience. I'm being guided to advise that the aspect of the masculine or relating to any thing in terms of survival or physical, generally dealing with the ups and downs that occur in day to day living be viewed light heartedly. There is emphasis to maintain a light hearted sense of humor and to ask for help from others by way of advice or needs of means, if possible.
The Feminine aspect that is resolving with in her self and recognizing her personal power. She has options as long as she recognizes her many potential options and to not put too much focus on, an end be it all solution to where she feels a disconnection to her ability to manifest from her source and connection to all that is divine. That her masculine is working to find her protection and security in everyday life. She is guided to trust, with the angelic guidance to explore your options, again to see that there are many potential resolutions to what ever is threatening your feeling of balance or unification of these two separate power sources. Faith in trusting, there will be a resolution with in the next few months.
In the balance of unification, the power of working together is the most important thing. I see shielding and energy work to be a proactive resource this weekend. Today specifically as we move away from the new moon in libra which is a powerful manifestation time for setting intentions to receive during the coming Taurus full moon which will be on November 4th. Libra is a sign that is all about balance so its best to keep up your focus in the next couple weeks to get to the point of being able to let go when the Taurus Full moon arrives. Taurus is in fact a sign of stability and can be very passionate when it comes to love or making sure means are provided for with vigilant intent.
Blessings to you, I hope that this was reassuring, but as I said earlier a reading for a general collective. If you would like to speak in more detail about your specific connection. I will be on tonight tonight 6-10.
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Love & Light,
Klarabelle <3
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